Friday, December 23, 2005

The rise of the blogs

The Sentinel mentions us liberally (that's in terms of a lot, not in terms of politics) up top in a story today on political blogs. Want to read it? Click here.

The story notes that Councilor Ralph Romano's blog, "itsmydime" has linked to us. We return the favor over on the right. Check out what Romano has to say. It's pretty interesting, and he's darn sure an override won't happen. Which we like to hear.

Romano kind of called us out on Mayor Dan Mylott yesterday. Romano's right, Mylott is in our chapter on the override, but we're not on the same page. Mylott designed an out-of-balance budget that started this whole ball rolling. We don't subscribe to that, and find it very peculiar in a Republican.

Additionally, our insight on the State House landscape is based on a couple years on Beacon Hill as a member of the State House press corps. It's a legitimate question -- how does a member of the minority party that has been critical of the Legislator make do up there? We're not discounting a Mylott campaign, a lot will happen between now and then, but we're just asking at this point.

Our last point today: We're psyched Romano wrote in. That's two city councilors who have written in. We'd love to hear from them all, and we'd leave to hear from some of the 230-something folks who have read this blog. Either hit the comments button below, or e-mail us.
