Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Duck, Duck...

Goose! So silly.

More importantly...

Don't stop us if you've heard this before, but tomorrow night is the big Worcester 3rd debate for the Democrats running for House. Stephen DiNatale, David LeBlanc and Mary Whitney take the stage for the event, hosted by Save Fitchburg, "Politically Speaking," FATV and WEIM. Game time is 7 p.m., on FATV Channel 8 and WEIM.

This is the first time all three will be on a stage together with access to all the voters in Fitchburg via TV and radio. We'll talk tomorrow about who needs to do what, but for now, we'll talk about what to expect.

The 90-minute debate will include opening and closing statements from the candidates. In between, I'll be firing off questions with Greg Vine from WEIM. Candidates receiving the question have two minutes to answer, and get 30 seconds for final words after the other two candidates get one minute to rebut. Vine and I will ask followups if needed.

Not to give too much away, but you can expect questions to stick pretty close to what is important to the state and the city. Taxes, downtown, commuter rail, maybe even something with gay marriage and health care are likely to show up.

So, tune in for some great fun. This is an important election for the city's future -- the representative is the only voice on Beacon Hill completely committed to Fitchburg, and Fitchburg only -- and the end-game discussion starts tomorrow.
