Council May Throw Stop Sign at Contract
Some city councilors, saying raiding over half the city's free cash account isn't really a good idea, are considering not approving the police union contract and 2.5 percent raise this week.
The deal would suck up about $196,000 of the roughly $330,000 in free cash the city has right now. Some councilors say it would leave the city in a tough position if it needed some cash quickly.
This is, if nothing else, a damning indictment of the city's precarious overall financial condition. When it come to political layups, nothing is easier than a raise for the cops. What councilor doesn't want to give money to a powerful entity that can sway votes, and serves a good purpose to boot?
At this point, this goes beyond the politics of budgets and the battle between the mayor and the City Council. This is now shining a bright light on the city's financial situation.
What would be nice in this process is a budget update from the mayor. What departments are running ahead of budget? What departments are running behind? Often times, some savings are realized, and with the fiscal year half over, those saving should start to materialize. Are there options beyond free cash right now?
The council's finance subcommittee meets tomorrow night to give a recommendation, and the entire council takes up the matter next week. But the overall budget situation -- with other union contracts likely settled soon -- makes it unlikely tha this problem goes away with this vote.