Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Bailey on Municipalities

Here's today's must-read: Boston Globe business jefe Steve Bailey looks at municipal finance, the brutal increases in health care, and offers some solutions.

A lot of what Bailey says in his piece isn't exactly new, and most of it is ground covered here, but Bailey, as he does so well, gets to the heart of the matter and clearly shows the foolishness of some of these situations (while also, once again, hammering the local and regional pension boards he loves to go after).

I'm an unabashed Bailey fan, and after working in that confluence of Boston business and media for a few years, understand the scope of his power and well-read he is. If Bailey can't get through to municipal leaders (particularly on the issue of communities joining the state health insurance plan -- why isn't that talked more about in F'burg? I think it's been on SF more than in City Hall, at least publicly), I'm not sure anyone can.

