Friday, November 02, 2007

Some Late-Game Pressure

The Donnelly campaign sent out a press release late this afternoon, once again talking taxes and Lisa Wong. You can check out a story at the Fitchburg Pride website.

Seeing how you mentioned the Pride, this is a good time for a little promo of this week's paper.

There's a "20 questions" feature highlighting both candidates, and it's pretty interesting. One favors Charles Barkley, the other Pearl S. Buck. Both are fans of FOX television series. One likes steaks on the grill, the other salmon. Check it out.

While you're there, both Donnelly and Wong give thoughts through op-ed pieces. There's a story on the first petitions at-large councilors would file if they win this fall. And a harbinger of the election results might be found at the Crocker School.

Finally, there's a sparkling "Hidden Gems" special section in the paper. It's time to leave self-promotion behind and move to self-congratualtions. The gems section is pretty stinking solid. Pick it up when you get a chance.

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