Friday, May 16, 2008

Your Friday Budget Update

Slowly, the grinding through the budget begins. We're told it will likely be available online some point today. When, and if, that happens, we'll let you know.

Nothing earthshaking so far, but we're just starting to plow through it. Interestingly, the DOR report also came out this week. There's a series of suggestions, and acknowledgement that the city is weak financial condition, but on first glance it's not a horribly depressing document. From what we've told, other communities have received similar reports, but we're checking on that. At first blush, this report won't be added as evidence by the pro-receivership faction.

One of the cooler things about this budget: Projections for the next five years. And each year includes a deficit going forward. I hate to keep going back to it and sounding like a broken record, but the system is pretty broken right now. New revenues don't meet new expenses year-to-year. That said, Wong's projections flatline new growth at $425K over the next five years, which is hopefully woefully pessimistic. But that's where the new money is going to come from.

Wong said today she's going to see the trash fee proposal through. At this point, it might be more a litmus test on where the council stands on more money/more cuts than anything else. But I still think it's going down.

More later, perhaps today, perhaps next week, but the numbers are getting out there. We'll let you know when it's available online.

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