Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mylott Unveils Budget

Mayor Dan Mylott's budget message is very slow growth, but growth indeed, with $95 million for spending next year.

Revenue is up in residential and (some) commercial growth, use of the overlay account (good explanation in the linked story), and some other areas. Mylott notes the budget may get changed if state aid figures are adjusted downward. It's unlikely that would happen at this point, but it's a bit unsettling the budget is that closely balanced.

The big new expenditure appears to be eight new police cars. There should probably be an argument made for bike or foot patrols downtown, we're just saying. There's also a fairly bizarre comment from Mylott:

“I have been able to provide a few new positions that are seriously needed, while eliminating others in areas where change was needed or opportunity exists to increase efficiency and service."

We call it bizarre because the story doesn't explain where the new positions are (although there are mentions of lost firefighters and cops in the past), and doesn't say where the elminations were made. Huh.

We're working on trying to get a copy of the budget from the Mayor's Office for our own amusement.
