Friday, September 08, 2006

If the Phone Doesn't Ring...

It's probably the Fitchburg Sentinel & Enterprise.

Somehow, the daily newspaper headquartered in Fitchburg decided to take a pass on last night's debate. It's been awhile since we played the role of poor, sad blogger, but today's our day.

First, let's recap:

In June, Save Fitchburg and "Politically Speaking" announce the debate, and send a press release to the papers. The Telegram wrote a story at the time. Less than a week later, the Sentinel announced its debate (next Thursday, Sept. 14, 7 p.m.), no mention of the SF/PS debate.

Last week, our little debate consortium sent an e-mail to both papers, letting them know space would be tight and we'd like to know if they'd be around. Telegram responded immediately. We still haven't heard from the Sentinel.

Today? The Telegram has this story. The Sentinel? Nothing.

So, we have to ask, why? Every media outlet in the city covered the debate, except one. Was it arrogance? Some kind of miffed tiff after we announced first and held ours first? Did they want to try to preserve theirs and its news as fresh next week? Do they think it's not important?

Considering the city's financial status, it's strong reliance on state aid, and it's need for state help on major projects (Route 12, commuter rail, the urban renewal plan), you'd think a debate -- any debate -- featuring the one and only seat in the Legislature solely devoted to Fitchburg would be coverage worthy. The Sentinel was very well aware of the debate, and chose not to cover it. The voters and the city as a whole lose in this situation. Thankfully, everyone else covered it. FATV were all-stars from the beginning, and can't be thanked enough. WEIM is a great partner and friend, and we can't wait for the general election debate with them. The Telegram, with think rightfully so, found it newsworthy, and we thank them for the coverage.

So, there's our whiny post about the Sentinel. We're looking forward to perhaps live-blogging next Thursday's rematch. Save Fitchburg understands the importance of this race, and we'd rather do the right thing and cover the debate rather than go all petty and ignore it.
