Friday, October 20, 2006

Nothing to Feel Shame About

Angel Soto, who was wounded up at Saima Park, said in today's Sentinel he's "ashamed" by the incident. Not sure we'd feel that way, and Soto definitely shouldn't when it follows it up by saying, "I want to say to the parents and the kids, start talking and listen about this tragedy."

Soto joined other residents involved in the incident and encouraged parents and the community to work together to make sure something like this never happens again.

There's really not much to say, other than this: That was a nice thing for Soto to do, and if the city can't listen to him and take action, then what is it going to take?


If you're into this kind of thing, Republican governor candidate Kerry Healey comes to the region tomorrow. She'll be at the Leominster Elks Lodge (134 Main St., Leominster), 1 p.m., for a town hall/rally. You can for yourself if Healey has blood dripping from her fangs and is backed by an angry mob (kidding, kidding). I'd expect a lot of talk about "differences" and maybe, just maybe, a reference to a local rapist of some recent note.
