Tuesday, December 26, 2006

All Hail Romano

We're gonna ease out of the holiday with some fantasy football talk. You can add your thoughts, or talk about all the cool swag you got from Santa. Considering it's a holiday week, there might not be much more to talk about right now...

Ralph Romano walked away with the Legal Engineers title this weekend, riding the super-hot hand of Steven Jackson to the crown. Romano was frisky all year long, but knocked off the season's top two to win the title. He most certainly earned it, in the end.

We're licking our wounds with a few early-playoffs wins, and winning the top-points consolation round in another league. Just enough, um, doughnuts won between the two to keep us mollified, and to keep Mrs. Save Fitchburg agreeable to our football addictions.

Enjoy the quiet week. We'll be in and out.
