Monday, January 26, 2009

How Much on Wednesday?

I know everyone is focused on tomorrow's frivolity with Unitil, but on Wednesday, the governor's budget comes out, and it will shed some light on the city's budget situation, for sure.

Patrick said last week he might cut up to $375 million from the current local aid figures. That doesn't include potential mid-year cuts.

Factoring in Lottery aid, this year's aid to be held harmless from Lottery shortfalls, and additional assistance, the total in those sections are roughly $11.1 billion this year. That means, roughly, Patrick is looking at a 25-30 percent cut in local aid. For Fitchburg, if it were equal across the board, the city would be looking at a $2 million to $3 million cut in state aid. Don't know what new growth is looking like this year, but I can't imagine it's very much.

In short, cuts are coming, and we can start trying to figure out from where on Wednesday.

