Thursday, July 26, 2007

Doc Rivers Finally Unfolds His Arms...

...and calls a 20-second timeout.

What does that mean? I'm pulling up stakes this afternoon and heading for the wilds of New Hampshire through Monday. What does that mean to you? No moderating of comments. You can write all the comments you want, but no one will see them until Monday night at the earliest, maybe not even until Tuesday. This will start in the next hour or so, if not sooner. It'll be good practice for the longer vacation next month.

So, while things continue to roll on in Fitchburg, I'll be enjoying the fun and games at Storyland, trying to talk Mrs. Save Fitchburg into putting the bumper sticker on the family roadster this year after driving up Mount Washington (if you think I'm hiking, you don't know me very well), and hoping I can figure out the (intentionally?) vague directions to Diana's Baths. There will also likely be a return to Pirate's Cove miniature golf, where last year I drained five holes-in-one in a row, with a SF spawn in the snuggly and putting one-handed. Truely a magical athletic performance.

So, there you go. Enjoy the weekend, speak to you next week.

