Monday, February 04, 2008

Note to Self: Big Day Tomorrow

In case you've forgotten (or if you need a little extra nudge to get out there), tomorrow is primary election day in the great commonwealth of Massachusetts.

First, don't forget to sign the charter review petition at your polling place. Look for person holding a clipboard and wearing a "please, please, please, help me" look on their face. There can be no process until the signatures are collected. Just do it. We can argue the details later. Thank you.

Second, we get to vote for president, and it really matters. It looks like Mitt Romney will be hanging on here on the Republican front, but who really knows at this point? Romney needs wins where he can find him, so he'll gladly take it.

On the Democratic front, things get dicier. Obama and Clinton are in one of their tighter races (one poll today has Obama up by two points). Throw in the non-winner take all deal, and your vote kind of counts double. There will be that "X wins Massachusetts" buzz, and then the Congressional district delegates get decided. I'd explain it all, but I don't think I really can. Just know that it's not winner-take-all, and you'll be OK at the office water cooler.

In fact, there's a thinking out there that the Democratic side is going to be just as even on Wednesday as it is today. Check out this fantastic Globe story from the other day for the details.

So, you have all kinds of reasons to get out tomorrow: Two captivating races, and getting your name on a charter review petition form. There some expectation that turnout could reach 50 percent tomorrow. That's 11,000 voters in Fitchburg. If one-third of those people sign the form, the charter review process can pretty much start moving forward ASAP. More details? Read here.

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