Thursday, May 01, 2008

Back to Main Street

If you missed last week's impromtu Main Street meet-and-greet, Joel Kaddy is trying to rally the troops again this Friday. Nothing overly complicated, just come on down, walk around, maybe check things out.

Last week's first-time deal drew a small crowd, but Kaddy didn't the word out until Thursday night that this thing was happening. I would say at this point, consider it a Friday afternoon/early-evening tradition unless notified otherwise. Heck, if nothing else, it's a good excuse to park the car, walk a block or two, and finish off the week with a coffee or soda (or other appropriate beverage of choice) at the end of the work week.

While we're on Kaddy and business development, I'm intrigued by his comments regarding Local First (now at, tomorrow in the paper), which is a business organization that encourages people to shop and eat at local establishments. His message is sort of, It's up to you. People complain all the time "no one goes downtown," and many of those people don't go downtown. Chances are there's something -- even that aforementioned beverage -- that would catch your attention for 10 or 15 minutes.

So, for those who like the old "How can show up, I've never been asked," well, you've been asked. Invited, even.

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