Thursday, May 29, 2008

Knuuttila ... In

The Brian Knuuttila for Senate campaign sent out a press release this afternoon saying not only is Knuuttila in the race for Senate, but he's taking a leave of absence from his job in the Worcester Sheriff's Office "to prove his dedication and commitment to winning the Worcester and Middlesex State Senate seat."

In the release, Knuuttila also calls on his opponent, Rep. Jennifer Flanagan (D-Leominster) to forego her salary during the campaign.

"During these tough economic times, I believe candidates should not be campaigning on the backs of the taxpayers," Knuuttila said in the release. "I understand that both candidates wil be spending a lot of time campaigning during the day, and since the Legislature will be in summer recess, my opponent should hold herself the same standard."

So, there you go. Knuuttila is in the race. On we go.

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